Pathway to Prosperity

by appointment only

This program allows us to work alongside our neighbors on the Hill to create a “map” for self-sufficiency, leadership, and stability. Participants work with a case worker to assist in an emergency need and then continue to engage in other opportunities for growth such as resume building, house hunting, child care, etc. bcmPEACE uses our network of resources to connect them with local assistance and focus on strengthening relationships. 

Wellness Hub

Fridays at 10:00am

(get your ticket as early as 7:00am)

Our Wellness Hub is our Food Distribution and Community Hub. Prior to COVID there were nurses available, worship, Bible study in English and Spanish, and a number of businesses and organizations offering services. Now we still have a number of business and organizations coming and offering information and assistance to the community while they wait for their food! Speaking of foodour neighbors receive fresh produce, meat, milk, and other pantry items EACH WEEK! We serve on average around 170 households each week! 

Agape Satyagraha

Wednesdays at 5:30pm

One of our flagship programs is our Nonviolent Conflict Resolution Training Program! This training is for grades 6-12 and teaches youth in the community how to deal with conflict between themselves and others, mediating between others, and larger conflicts in the community and beyond. There is also a graduate program that uses these ideas to make active change in the community!

Computer Class

Wednesdays at 10:30am & 2:30pm

We offer computer classes to learn the basics of the unit, the internet, and how to use Microsoft Suite services such as Excel! You can even earn a free desktop computer when you complete at least 10 of the 12 sections! It is work at your own pace and led by volunteers! 

Shalom Kids

Wednesdays @ 5:30pm

Formerly Kid’s Church, Shalom Kids incorporates the arts into the peace and justice message at the core of bcmPEACE’s mission. It is a faith based program explored through clubs that change each 12 week cycle. The program is for children ages 5-11 and includes dinner. We would love to see new faces at Shalom Kids!  


Safe and Affordable Housing

no units available at this time

bcmPEACE offers safe and affordable housing solutions by renting out a 6 unit building to those in the neighborhood who cannot afford market prices. These renters are also involved in other programs and some even volunteer! The first floor is actually home to the Latino Hispanic American Community Center (LHACC) who do amazing work within the community! 

Social Justice Library

Along with Harrisburg First Church of the Brethren, we have started a Social Justice Library in which children AND adults can check out books that are representative, diverse, and have a social justice message.

Brethren Community Ministries (also known as bcmPEACE)
219 Hummel St.Harrisburg, PA 17104
717-234-0415 x20

Use bcmPEACE to find us on all social media