180 households serveD this week

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We take pride in partnering with other Organizations on the Hill!

We Stand With You

During this time we feel the need to speak up a little louder. bcmPEACE has crafted a statement that was inspired by the moment, but is made thinking about the future of our community:

We stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters of color who we witness suffer at thehands of a system built on oppression. We stand with the families of those who have leftus due to the systemic injustice of this nation and the consequences that the racistfoundation of this country produces.

We seek peace, understanding that peace is not simply the absence of violence, but thepresence of JUSTICE.

It is not only the unjust killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floydthat have happened recently that call us to action; but the foundational policies of ourcountry that systematically oppress people of color demand our response. We see yourpain, and your anger, and we stand with you.

As an organization founded on God’s peace and service in the inner city, we vow to workat not making this a statement of the moment, rather, we commit to work increasinglymore to change systems of injustice and stand alongside those who are oppressed.

We will continue to nurture nonviolence training practices for youth, especially youth ofcolor, through our Agape Satyagraha Program.

We will continue to work at breaking the cycle of poverty and encourage leadership inour black and brown communities through our Pathway to Prosperity Program.

We will tend to the needs of the community by intentionally partnering with otherorganizations led by our brothers and sisters of color.

We will be more intentional in growing our leadership to better include voices of colorboth on the Board of Directors and in our staff.

We will do better because our black and brown lives deserve better.We are with you.

– bcmPEACE Board and Staff

Brethren Community Ministries (also known as bcmPEACE)
219 Hummel St.Harrisburg, PA 17104 
717-234-0415 x20

Use bcmPEACE to find us on all social media